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La nostra reception è aperta tutti i giorni dalle 06.00 alle 22.00. Chiamaci Tel. +39 0291981 Contacts Fill out the form below to request further information. Admission Rules Call us Tel. +39 0291981 Our reception is open every day from 06.00 to 22.00 Write to us First name Last name E-mail Phone Message I agree to the Terms and Conditions View terms of use SEND Thanks! We will get back to you shortly. How to reach us Public transport: Bus 58 and Bus 98 Underground: MM1 - Ban MM4- Frattini Linea Blu Street address Via Arzaga 1, 20146, Milan, MI Service Charter Charter of Rights of the Elderly person Unified Entry Application Health Card RSA Entrance Documenti
- Infermieristica | RSA Residenza Anziani Arzaga | Milano
È fornita assistenza infermieristica sulle 24 ore, assistenza farmaceutica in linea con quanto prescritto dal servizio sanitario regionale e tutti gli ausili opportuni (ausili per incontinenti, ossigenoterapia, ausili per la cura e prevenzione del decubito.) Up Nursing 24-hour nursing assistance is provided, pharmaceutical assistance in line with what is prescribed by the regional health service and all appropriate aids (incontinence aids, oxygen therapy, aids for the treatment and prevention of decubitus) are provided. Up Back to Services
- GDPR | RSA Arzaga
PRIVACY POLICY Information pursuant to the European Data Protection Regulation n. 679/2016 This page describes how RSA Residenza Anziani Arzaga Jewish Community of Milan , with headquarters in via Arzaga 1, Milan, (also referred to hereinafter as “we”), as Data Controller, collects and processes your personal data through the site. Attention to privacy, confidentiality and the protection of users' personal data represent our precise corporate commitment. In fact, we treat your personal data with the utmost care and in compliance with the applicable privacy and security regulations (in particular the General Data Protection Regulation EU 679/2016). WHAT DATA DO WE COLLECT AND PROCESS? The personal data we process is the information that you voluntarily decide to provide us, in response to a contact request or to ask us a question. When you send a request through the appropriate form, we will invite you to provide us with identification and contact data (such as name, surname, email, telephone number) to better manage your needs and easily give you feedback. Personal data may also be of a sensitive nature, depending on the information you decide to release in the contact form or by voluntarily sending documentation accompanying your request. In particular, it should be noted that sensitive data consists of any descriptions of pathologies, health conditions or indications on the sexual life that the user describes in the communications addressed to us. To protect your rights and freedoms, we ask you not to release sensitive information or send files that may exceed what is necessary for us to complete your request. FOR WHAT PURPOSES DO WE USE YOUR DATA? The main purpose is to provide you with the opportunity to get in touch with us and satisfy your specific request, send you information about it and / or allow you to access the services chosen. The provision of data is optional, however the refusal to release your data for this purpose makes it impossible for us to manage your request and satisfy your needs. With your free and express consent, your contact details may be used to send you promotional communications, newsletters and informative emails regarding our services / products or general information. The provision of data for marketing purposes is optional, the refusal does not entail any consequences, except for the impossibility of receiving promotional material. The consent for this treatment is expressed through the "flag" of the appropriate box placed inside the form for sending data. You can withdraw your consent and refuse to receive further promotional communications at any time by writing to the email address ipq@ipq.it HOW DO WE PROTECT YOUR DATA? The data is processed using mainly automated tools and for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. Adequate security measures, as provided for by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the Protection of Personal Data, are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. WHO DO WE COMMUNICATE YOUR DATA TO? The data you send through this site will be communicated to the company that manages the website and the related systems connected to it. LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES This Site may contain references or links ("links") to other internet sites not controlled by us and to which these privacy regulations are not applicable. We are therefore not responsible for the content or for any processing of personal data carried out on these sites. We advise you to examine the information of each site linked to this one to identify the possible processing of personal data. WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS? Pursuant to EU Regulation 679/2016, the following rights are recognized: the right to ask the Data Controller for access to personal data (Article 15), rectification (Article 16), cancellation of the same or oblivion (Article 17), limitation of the processing of personal data ( Article 18), the right to data portability (Article 20) or to oppose their processing (Article 21), as well as the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects that concern you or that significantly affect yours in the same way person (art.22). Requests may be exercised against: IPQ Tecnologie SRL, Via Cernuschi 2/6, Monza in the person of Dr. Germagnoli Stefano, tel. +39 0392326184, email: ipq@ipq.it You are also granted the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in charge (Article 77 of the Regulation) if you believe that the processing carried out by the Data Controller is not compliant. CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY POLICY The Site, its content and these Privacy regulations may be periodically updated or modified without notice. Any changes to the following information will affect the processing of the data collected following the change itself. We therefore ask you to periodically review any changes to the Privacy. This policy is updated in March 2022. COOKIE POLICY This cookie policy concerns the use of cookies and is aimed at users who consult the website WHAT ARE COOKIES FOR? Cookies are small text strings exchanged between a website and the user's navigation browser each time a website is accessed. Cookies are used for different purposes, such as allowing computer authentication, keeping track of the user's browsing sessions, improving the navigability of the site itself, collecting and storing various information regarding user preferences and choices, etc. WHICH COOKIES DO WE USE? The cookies in use are divided according to the origin and ownership of the cookie itself: they can be first-party (issued by this website) or third-party (issued by a different website for services provided by third parties). With reference to the general provision of the Privacy Authority (GU n.126 of June 3, 2014) this website uses the following cookies: TECHNICAL COOKIES This type of cookies is essential to allow users to browse the website and use its functions. They are known as "first party" cookies. Without them, services such as enabling the display of content appropriate to the type of device used would not be possible. ANALYTICAL COOKIES These cookies provide information about how visitors use the site, so that we can analyze their traffic and understand how they are used by visitors. We use cookies issued by third parties for this purpose. To find out more about the analytical cookies we use or to block their functioning, you can visit the following sites: Google Analytics https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245 PROFILING COOKIES These are third-party cookies that allow you to collect information relating to user preferences while surfing the Internet, record when ads are seen, the reaction of users and their consequent actions and check the performance of campaigns. To find out more about the profiling cookies we use or to block their operation, you can visit the following sites: Doubleclick https://support.google.com/dfp_premium/answer/2839090?hl=it DoubleClick [How to use it] https://support.google.com/dfp_premium/answer/2839090?hl=it Google https://www.google.com/intl/it/policies/technologies/types/ Google [Types of Cookies] https://www.google.com/intl/it/policies/technologies/types/ Google [ADS] https://www.google.it/settings/ads/onweb#display_optout Facebook https://www.facebook.com/policy.php Facebook [Data Policy] https://www.facebook.com/policy.php Adform https://site.adform.com/privacy-policy-opt-out Adform [Privacy Policy] https://site.adform.com/privacy-policy-opt-out SOCIAL MEDIA COOKIES These cookies are used to share information on social media through sharing buttons, links to the user's account or interactions with the contents of our site through social networks such as Facebook. Social networks will record the user's sharing actions. This information could be used for advertising and profiling activities. To find out more about the Social Media Cookies we use or to block their functioning, you can visit the following sites: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/policy.php Twitter https://help.twitter.com/it/rules-and-policies/twitter-cookies LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy Instagram https://www.instagram.com/legal/cookies/ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/static?template=privacy_guidelines HOW TO PREVENT THE USE OF COOKIES? With reference to the third-party cookies used by the site, please refer to the supplier's policy accessible from the links indicated above for information on their disabling. Another method to manage cookies is to change the settings of the browser used. In fact, most internet browsers are configured by default to accept cookies. However, it is possible to disable their use or control which of them can be used or not. Below are the links to the descriptions on how to manage cookies on the most common web browsers: Google Chrome https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=it Internet Explorer http://windows.microsoft.com/it-IT/internet-explorer/delete-manage-cookies#ie=ie-10 MozillaFirefox https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie Safari https://support.apple.com/it-it/HT201265 Opera http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.00/it/cookies.html We remind users that disabling navigation cookies or functional cookies may limit the service we offer or the contents of the site itself. CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY POLICY The Site, its content and these Privacy regulations may be periodically updated or modified without notice. Any changes to the following information will affect the processing of the data collected following the change itself. Therefore, please periodically review any changes to the Privacy. This Cookie Policy is updated in March 2022.
Healing Garden, è noto che bastino solo 3-5 minuti di esposizione alla vista di un paesaggio dominato da alberi, fiori per iniziare ad abbattere i livelli di stress, ansia ed entrare in uno stato di rilassamento. L’healing garden affrettare la guarigione o migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone malate. Up Healing Garden it is known that only 3-5 minutes of exposure to a landscape dominated by trees and flowers are sufficient to begin to reduce the levels of stress, anxiety and enter a state of relaxation. We hope that our healing garden will hasten healing or improve the quality of life of sick people. A therapeutic garden is a green space specifically designed for the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the people for whom it is intended. The garden is "alive" all year round thanks to non-toxic and native botanical species and able to attract and host pleasant and friendly animal species, such as birds, squirrels, fish and butterflies, making it suitable for both passive users sitting in contemplation to relax, and to active users, for example through garden therapy and plant cultivation. During the summer it is possible to participate in gardening activities in the work area where specifically designed boxes allow comfortable access to the elderly even in wheelchairs The project plans to animate our therapeutic garden all year round with non-toxic botanical species capable of attracting and hosting animals such as birds, squirrels and butterflies, making it stimulating both to passive users sitting in contemplation to take in the fresh air, and to active users to whom ortho-therapy, plant cultivation and motor rehabilitation activities are prescribed. Up Back to Services
- Attività Educativa E Animativa | RSA Residenza Anziani Arzaga | Milano
Le attività di animazione-educazione vengono progettate e gestite da tre educatori professionali i quali si avvalgono di altri tecnici, consulenti e volontari per alcuni interventi specifici. Up Educational and Entertainment Activities The animation-education activities are designed and managed by three professional educators who make use of other professionals, consultants and volunteers for some specific occasions.The animation program has a weekly schedule and periodically includes readings, cognitive stimulation, group games, music therapy, concerts, art therapy, occupational therapy, concerts, cultural and religious conversations, theater workshops, cooking, gardening, individual and small group outings. The activities are monitored every six months and adjusted according to the response of the residents. Saturday is dedicated to religious animation while on Sunday there are both specialized workshops and musical or game activities. The educators support the elderly and their families upon admission to the nursing home and during their stay in it by acting as facilitators in relationships and stimulators, interacting with the various operators and actively contributing to the creation and maintenance of the climate of elderlies wellbeing. Up Back to Services
- Amministrazione Trasparente | Rsa Residenza Anziani Arzaga | Milano
Il notro manifesto della Amministrazione Trasparente, RSA Residenza Anzia Arzaga di Milano PRIVACY POLICY Information pursuant to the European Data Protection Regulation n. 679/2016 This page describes how RSA Residenza Anziani Arzaga Jewish Community of Milan , with headquarters in via Arzaga 1, Milan, (also referred to hereinafter as “we”), as Data Controller, collects and processes your personal data through the site. Attention to privacy, confidentiality and the protection of users' personal data represent our precise corporate commitment. In fact, we treat your personal data with the utmost care and in compliance with the applicable privacy and security regulations (in particular the General Data Protection Regulation EU 679/2016). WHAT DATA DO WE COLLECT AND PROCESS? The personal data we process is the information that you voluntarily decide to provide us, in response to a contact request or to ask us a question. When you send a request through the appropriate form, we will invite you to provide us with identification and contact data (such as name, surname, email, telephone number) to better manage your needs and easily give you feedback. Personal data may also be of a sensitive nature, depending on the information you decide to release in the contact form or by voluntarily sending documentation accompanying your request. In particular, it should be noted that sensitive data consists of any descriptions of pathologies, health conditions or indications on the sexual life that the user describes in the communications addressed to us. To protect your rights and freedoms, we ask you not to release sensitive information or send files that may exceed what is necessary for us to complete your request. FOR WHAT PURPOSES DO WE USE YOUR DATA? The main purpose is to provide you with the opportunity to get in touch with us and satisfy your specific request, send you information about it and / or allow you to access the services chosen. The provision of data is optional, however the refusal to release your data for this purpose makes it impossible for us to manage your request and satisfy your needs. With your free and express consent, your contact details may be used to send you promotional communications, newsletters and informative emails regarding our services / products or general information. The provision of data for marketing purposes is optional, the refusal does not entail any consequences, except for the impossibility of receiving promotional material. The consent for this treatment is expressed through the "flag" of the appropriate box placed inside the form for sending data. You can withdraw your consent and refuse to receive further promotional communications at any time by writing to the email address ipq@ipq.it HOW DO WE PROTECT YOUR DATA? The data is processed using mainly automated tools and for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. Adequate security measures, as provided for by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the Protection of Personal Data, are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. WHO DO WE COMMUNICATE YOUR DATA TO? The data you send through this site will be communicated to the company that manages the website and the related systems connected to it. LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES This Site may contain references or links ("links") to other internet sites not controlled by us and to which these privacy regulations are not applicable. We are therefore not responsible for the content or for any processing of personal data carried out on these sites. We advise you to examine the information of each site linked to this one to identify the possible processing of personal data. WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS? Pursuant to EU Regulation 679/2016, the following rights are recognized: the right to ask the Data Controller for access to personal data (Article 15), rectification (Article 16), cancellation of the same or oblivion (Article 17), limitation of the processing of personal data ( Article 18), the right to data portability (Article 20) or to oppose their processing (Article 21), as well as the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects that concern you or that significantly affect yours in the same way person (art.22). Requests may be exercised against: IPQ Tecnologie SRL, Via Cernuschi 2/6, Monza in the person of Dr. Germagnoli Stefano, tel. +39 0392326184, email: ipq@ipq.it You are also granted the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in charge (Article 77 of the Regulation) if you believe that the processing carried out by the Data Controller is not compliant. CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY POLICY The Site, its content and these Privacy regulations may be periodically updated or modified without notice. Any changes to the following information will affect the processing of the data collected following the change itself. We therefore ask you to periodically review any changes to the Privacy. This policy is updated in March 2022. COOKIE POLICY This cookie policy concerns the use of cookies and is aimed at users who consult the website WHAT ARE COOKIES FOR? Cookies are small text strings exchanged between a website and the user's navigation browser each time a website is accessed. Cookies are used for different purposes, such as allowing computer authentication, keeping track of the user's browsing sessions, improving the navigability of the site itself, collecting and storing various information regarding user preferences and choices, etc. WHICH COOKIES DO WE USE? The cookies in use are divided according to the origin and ownership of the cookie itself: they can be first-party (issued by this website) or third-party (issued by a different website for services provided by third parties). With reference to the general provision of the Privacy Authority (GU n.126 of June 3, 2014) this website uses the following cookies: TECHNICAL COOKIES This type of cookies is essential to allow users to browse the website and use its functions. They are known as "first party" cookies. Without them, services such as enabling the display of content appropriate to the type of device used would not be possible. ANALYTICAL COOKIES These cookies provide information about how visitors use the site, so that we can analyze their traffic and understand how they are used by visitors. We use cookies issued by third parties for this purpose. To find out more about the analytical cookies we use or to block their functioning, you can visit the following sites: Google Analytics https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245 PROFILING COOKIES These are third-party cookies that allow you to collect information relating to user preferences while surfing the Internet, record when ads are seen, the reaction of users and their consequent actions and check the performance of campaigns. To find out more about the profiling cookies we use or to block their operation, you can visit the following sites: Doubleclick https://support.google.com/dfp_premium/answer/2839090?hl=it DoubleClick [How to use it] https://support.google.com/dfp_premium/answer/2839090?hl=it Google https://www.google.com/intl/it/policies/technologies/types/ Google [Types of Cookies] https://www.google.com/intl/it/policies/technologies/types/ Google [ADS] https://www.google.it/settings/ads/onweb#display_optout Facebook https://www.facebook.com/policy.php Facebook [Data Policy] https://www.facebook.com/policy.php Adform https://site.adform.com/privacy-policy-opt-out Adform [Privacy Policy] https://site.adform.com/privacy-policy-opt-out SOCIAL MEDIA COOKIES These cookies are used to share information on social media through sharing buttons, links to the user's account or interactions with the contents of our site through social networks such as Facebook. Social networks will record the user's sharing actions. This information could be used for advertising and profiling activities. To find out more about the Social Media Cookies we use or to block their functioning, you can visit the following sites: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/policy.php Twitter https://help.twitter.com/it/rules-and-policies/twitter-cookies LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy Instagram https://www.instagram.com/legal/cookies/ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/static?template=privacy_guidelines HOW TO PREVENT THE USE OF COOKIES? With reference to the third-party cookies used by the site, please refer to the supplier's policy accessible from the links indicated above for information on their disabling. Another method to manage cookies is to change the settings of the browser used. In fact, most internet browsers are configured by default to accept cookies. However, it is possible to disable their use or control which of them can be used or not. Below are the links to the descriptions on how to manage cookies on the most common web browsers: Google Chrome https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=it Internet Explorer http://windows.microsoft.com/it-IT/internet-explorer/delete-manage-cookies#ie=ie-10 MozillaFirefox https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie Safari https://support.apple.com/it-it/HT201265 Opera http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.00/it/cookies.html We remind users that disabling navigation cookies or functional cookies may limit the service we offer or the contents of the site itself. CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY POLICY The Site, its content and these Privacy regulations may be periodically updated or modified without notice. Any changes to the following information will affect the processing of the data collected following the change itself. Therefore, please periodically review any changes to the Privacy. This Cookie Policy is updated in March 2022. In ottemperanza alla normativa in tema di trasparenza, riordino della disciplina riguardante il diritto di accesso civico e gli obblighi di pubblicità, trasparenza e diffusione delle informazioni si pubblicano i seguenti documenti: CARTA DEI SERVIZI 2025 CODICE ETICO LISTA DI ATTESA : La valutazione della domanda di ingresso viene effettuata dall’ equipe multidisciplinare costituita da: Direttore sanitario, Direttrice Gestionale, Coordinatrice Infermieristica e Responsabile dei Servizi sociali. L’autorizzazione all’ingresso è ufficializzata dal Direttore Sanitario. A seguito della valutazione positiva la domanda viene inserita in lista d’attesa. I criteri generali di priorità per la lista d’attesa, oltre alla data di presentazione della domanda, sono: - dimissioni non programmate da ospedali o altri istituti di cura con impossibilità di fare rientro al proprio domicilio - domande per lungo degenze di persone senza rete famigliare o sociale - casi clinici gravi che non possono essere gestiti al domicilio, e per i quali il ricovero in RSA possa portare sollievo - altri casi particolari di impedimenti alla permanenza domiciliare o in altre RSA (da valutare caso per caso). RISULTATI INDAGINI SODDISFAZIONI UTENTI TRASPARENZA , ACCESSO CIVICO Ai sensi dell’articolo 2-bis, comma terzo e degli articoli 5 e seguenti del D.lgs. 33/2013, la Società riconosce il diritto di accedere ai dati, documenti ed informazioni entro i limiti di quanto previsto dal D.lgs. 33/2013, attraverso gli istituti dell’accesso civico semplice e dell’accesso civico generalizzato. Le strutture socio-sanitarie private/accreditata sono soggette al diritto di accesso civico in relazione ai soli dati, documenti e informazioni relativi allo svolgimento dell’attività di assistenza sanitaria. Ai sensi di quanto previsto dagli articoli 5 e ss. del D.lgs. 33/2013, la Società si riserva di dare comunicazione delle richieste pervenute agli eventuali controinteressati e di dare diniego alle richieste di accesso per le ragioni e i motivi indicati dalla legge. Ai sensi dell’art. 5, comma 4, del D.lgs. 33/2013 il rilascio di dati o documenti in formato elettronico o cartaceo è gratuito, salvo il rimborso del costo effettivamente sostenuto e documentato dalla società per la riproduzione su supporti materiali. Le richieste di accesso ricevute sono riportate in apposito registro: Registro degli accessi anno 2021 ACCESSO CIVICO SEMPLICE/MODALITA’ DI PRESENTAZIONE DELLE RICHIESTE L’accesso civico semplice (art. 5, comma primo, del D.lgs. 33/2013) ha ad oggetto dati, documenti e informazioni oggetto di pubblicazione obbligatoria, qualora sia stata omessa la loro pubblicazione. Il competente per l’accesso civico semplice è il Direttore di Struttura. La richiesta di accesso civico semplice ai sensi dell’art. 5, comma primo, del D.lgs. 33/2013, dovrà identificare i dati, le informazioni o i documenti richiesti e potrà essere presentata alternativamente: Via pec all’indirizzo residenza.arzaga@pec.com-ebraicamilano.it Via mail o tramite posta ordinaria all’indirizzo della struttura pubblicati sul presente sito Di persona presso l’indirizzo della struttura pubblicato sul presente sito ACCESSO CIVICO GENERALIZZATO/MODALITA’ DI PRESENTAZIONE DELLE RICHIESTE L’accesso civico generalizzato (art. 5, comma secondo, del D.lgs. 33/2013) ha ad oggetto dati, documenti e informazioni ulteriori rispetto a quelli che la Società è obbligata a pubblicare, nel rispetto dei limiti relativi alla tutela di interessi giuridicamente rilevanti e dei divieti di legge. Il competente per l’accesso civico generalizzato è il direttore di struttura. La richiesta di accesso civico generalizzato ai sensi dell’art. 5, coma secondo, del D.lgs. n. 33/2013 dovrà identificare i dati, le informazioni o i documenti richiesti e potrà essere presentata alternativamente: Via pec all’indirizzo residenza.arzaga@pec.com-ebraicamilano.it Via mail o tramite posta ordinaria all’indirizzo della struttura pubblicati sul presente sito Di persona presso l’indirizzo della struttura pubblicato sul presente sito BILANCIO CEM 2020 E NOTA INTEGRATIVA BILANCIO CEM 2021 E NOTA INTEGRATIVA BILANCIO CEM 2022 E NOTA INTEGRATIVA RSA CEM DICHIARAZIONE DI ATTESTAZIONE RSA CEM SCHEDA SINTESI ALLEGATO 2.4 GRIGLIA RILEVAZIONE AL 31.05.2022 RSA CEM
- CHI SIAMO | RSA Arzaga
La nostra Residenza per Anziani della Comunità Ebraica di Milano, è un luogo di accoglienza e protezione per tutte le persone anziane che necessitano di un particolare supporto. Le nostre competenze, unite ai nostri valori di sempre, si riflettono in tutti i servizi che offriamo e nei piccoli gesti di ogni giorno. About us Structure There are 60 rooms in total of which 42 doubles and 18 singles all equipped with a private bathroom. Each room is equipped with a telephone. All the rooms are air conditioned. There are living rooms fitted with TV, spaces for occupational activities, gyms and reception lounges for relatives placed throughout the various floors. A hall is used for religious functions and holiday celebrations. The structure is equipped with 5 lifts (one of which mounts stretchers) inside the RSA there are spaces reserved for social happenings and social life, personal care and support and auxiliary services. The building is surrounded by large green spaces where you can walk or simply linger to enjoy nature in our Healing Garden . We also have a "small vegetable patch" that can be taken care of by our guests, even if they are unable to walk, because it is has wheelchair access. Our residence is a welcoming place for all the elderly people who need special support outside their family context. Our values, aimed at supporting elderly people in difficulty, are reflected in all the services we offer and in the small every day attentions. All our long lasting experience and skills are available to the resident and his family, in order to convey a sense of wellbeing throughout the stay in our structure. Our Team Structure Manager Daniela Giustiniani Sanitary Manager Flavio Galli RSA Councilor Luciano Bassani Religious Observance and Kasherut Rav Alfonso Airbib Rav David Sciunnach Marco Gesuà Sive Salvadori Yisroel Rodal Care Coordinator Aster Di Bella Nursing Coordinator Silvia Solimine Administrative secretary Ivana Rolando Barbara Correnti Admission and Social Area Physicians Massimo Coen Chiara Gori Adriano Grauso Lucia Sandri Albert Via Physiotherapists Falchetti Isabella Gabriele Vitali Educators Lucia Zecca Laura Lafergola Matteo Fioravanti Reception Aldo Pira Lorenzo Allegretti Simone Crepaldi Yehonatan Avrilingi Technical and Maintenance Department Piero Ticozzi Massimo Marchetta Laundry and Cloakroom Caterina Mallozzi Tetyana Katalkina
- Assistenza Medica | RSA Residenza Anziani Arzaga | Milano
Presso la RSA sono regolarmente presenti 6 medici (compreso il Direttore Sanitario) ognuno con la propria differente specialità. In generale, ogni giorno, è presente il Responsabile Sanitario per visite, supervisione, programmazione e controllo delle attività medico – infermieristiche. Up Medical assistance At the RSA there are always 6 doctors available (including the Medical Director) each with their own different specialties. In general, the Healthcare Manager is present every day for visits, supervision, planning and checking of medical and nursing activities. In addition, one of the other doctors of the health team is always present on a daily basis to carry out visits and prescriptions to the residents. The medical service has been organized by appointing the figure of the core referring physician per single floor. 24-hour medical assistance is ensured with an affiliated medical guard and presence of the residence' doctors during the weekend and all holidays. Doctors are always available for one-on-one interviews with family members, by appointment or telephone. Specialist medical visits For specialist visits and diagnostic tests, personalized visits to external structures or in-house are carried out on the recommendation of the family doctor, according to the conditions of the resident. Up Back to Services
- Residenza Anziani Comunità Ebraica | RSA Residenza Anziani Arzaga | Milano
La Residenza RSA Arzaga della Comunità Ebraica di Milano, è un luogo di accoglienza e protezione per le persone anziane che necessitano di un particolare supporto. Le competenze della RSA Residenza Anziani Arzaga, unite ai nostri valori, si riflettono nei servizi offerti e nei gesti quotidiani. We welcome you to our home, a protected and welcoming environment for all senior citizens. Our Residence of the Jewish Community of Milan, is a welcoming place as well as a protected environment for all elderly people who are in need of special support. Our skills, combined with our outstanding values, are reflected in all the services we offer and in the every day small gestures dedicated to our residents. Our long standing experience and skills are made available to the resident and his family, in order to convey a sense of wellbeing throughout the stay in our structure. Read More It is our pleasure to tell you more about what we can offer you, for whatever reason you may want to come and join us or for all of you looking for a welcoming residence for your loved ones. Our services The services of our Residence are numerous and personalized, you will find them all in our Service Charter which is at your complete disposal. Read More Download Service Charter Contact us Do you need information or do you want to speak to someone directly? Contacts Our Partners Become a Partner Our voluntary organization “Federica Sharon Biazzi” has been collaborating, with expertise and great generosity, for many years with the RSA Arzaga. Volunteers dedicate themselves to individual accompaniment for medical examinations, companionship, gardening, cooking and painting activities, workshops related to Hebrew holidays, readings and games.
- Assistenza Fisioterapica | RSA Residenza Anziani Arzaga | Milano
L'assistenza fisioterapica e garantita a tutti i residente della RSA Arzaga di Milano. Le attività di fisioterapia vengono svolte in gruppo oppure in base ad un piano personalizzato. Up Physiotherapy Physiotherapy activities can be carried out individually or in groups. Individual activities are carried out on the basis of the needs of each individual Resident and are scheduled at specific and defined times for each individual. Collective or group activities include gentle gymnastics and movement-therapy courses, yoga and other activities, even for small groups. The physiotherapy service is responsible for the range of walking aids and, together with the prescribing doctor, requests these aids for those who need them. Physiatric evaluation for aids prescription takes place within the RSA. Up Back to Services
How to contribute Your donations will help improve and make the stay of all your loved ones more comfortable. Donations You can choose how to make your donation. RSA Arzaga thanks you! in person Ask for information at the Residence reception. Online We also accept donations with PayPal. Bank transfer Suitable for a one-time contribution. INTESA SANPAOLO HEADED TO: JEWISH COMMUNITY OF MILAN COD. IBAN: IT96M0306901789100000002327 BIC: BCITITMM 5x1000 Donate your 5x1000 to our community by filling in the appropriate box in the tax return (all models) with the tax code / VAT number of the Jewish Community of Milan: 03547690150. Volunteering If you want to volunteer Click Here Become a Sponsor Partner Become part of our Partner Team with donations, goods and services of any kind. RSA Arzaga thanks you! Do you want to become a Partner? Fill in the form First name Last name E-mail Company / Society / Association Message I agree to the Terms and Conditions View terms of use SEND Message sent correctly.
- Modalità Di Ingresso | RSA Residenza Anziani Arzaga | Milano
La documentazione necessaria per presentare domanda è la seguente: Domanda di ingresso Scheda sanitaria scheda di valutazione da rischio covid Up Admission Rules The documentation required to apply is as follows: Application for entry Health card Covid risk assessment sheet An essential pre-requisite for entry is to be resident in Lombardy. The elderly person, their family members or contact persons can make an appointment for a preliminary interview and to get to view the rooms of the residence and its activities, with the Head of the social area and / or with the Management Director from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 16.00 by calling 02 91981 or by writing an email to direzione.rsa@com-ebraicamilano.it . Up Back to Contacts The evaluation of the admission application is carried out by the multidisciplinary team consisting of: Health Director, Management Director, Nursing Coordinator and Head of Social Services. The entry authorization is made official by the Medical Director. Following the positive assessment of the application, the person concerned or his family members, are contacted to organize together the day and methods of entry.