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Healing Garden

it is known that only 3-5 minutes of exposure  to  a landscape dominated by trees and flowers are sufficient to begin to reduce the levels of stress, anxiety and enter a state of relaxation.


We hope that our healing garden will hasten healing or improve the quality of life of sick people.


A therapeutic garden is  a green space specifically designed for the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the people for whom it is intended.

The garden is "alive" all year round thanks to non-toxic and native botanical species and able to attract and host pleasant and friendly animal species, such as birds, squirrels, fish and butterflies, making it suitable for both passive users sitting in contemplation to relax, and to active users, for example through garden therapy and plant cultivation.

During the summer it is possible to participate in gardening activities in the work area where specifically designed boxes allow comfortable access to the elderly even in wheelchairs

The project plans to animate our therapeutic garden all year round with non-toxic botanical species capable of attracting and hosting animals such as birds, squirrels and butterflies, making it stimulating both to passive users sitting in contemplation to take in the fresh air, and to active users to whom ortho-therapy, plant cultivation and motor rehabilitation activities are prescribed.

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